1. Components
  2. Buttons


The primary way to perform actions in an Orchid site or app.

Default button orc-c-btn

The primary way to perform actions in an Orchid site or app.

Small button orc-c-btn--small

Decreases the button and text size.

Centered button orc-c-btn--center

Horizontally centers the button.

Icon before text button

Places an + icon to the left of the button text.

Icon after text button

Places an + icon to the right of the button text.

Icon only button

Button description

Purple button orc-c-btn--purple

Button description

Dark gray button orc-c-btn--dark-gray

Applies a dark gray background to the button.

White button orc-c-btn--white

Applies a white background to the button.

Bare button orc-c-btn--bare

Removes any background or border unless the button is hovered over.

Text button orc-c-btn--text

Removes any text style, background image, border, or padding.

Loading button is-loading

Indicates that the action is loading.

    <button class="orc-c-btn ">
        <div class="orc-c-btn__inner">
                <span class="orc-c-btn__text orc-js-btn-text">Button</span>
        </div><!--end orc-c-btn__inner-->
    <!-- end orc-c-btn -->
    <button class="orc-c-btn orc-c-btn--small">
        <div class="orc-c-btn__inner">
                <span class="orc-c-btn__text orc-js-btn-text">Button</span>
        </div><!--end orc-c-btn__inner-->
    <!-- end orc-c-btn -->
    <button class="orc-c-btn orc-c-btn--center">
        <div class="orc-c-btn__inner">
                <span class="orc-c-btn__text orc-js-btn-text">Button</span>
        </div><!--end orc-c-btn__inner-->
    <!-- end orc-c-btn -->
    <button class="orc-c-btn ">
        <div class="orc-c-btn__inner">
            <svg class="orc-c-btn__icon ">
                <use xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="..&#x2F;..&#x2F;orchid-icons.svg#plus"></use>
                <span class="orc-c-btn__text orc-js-btn-text">Button</span>
        </div><!--end orc-c-btn__inner-->
    <!-- end orc-c-btn -->
    <button class="orc-c-btn ">
        <div class="orc-c-btn__inner">
                <span class="orc-c-btn__text orc-js-btn-text">Button</span>
            <svg class="orc-c-btn__icon ">
                <use xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="..&#x2F;..&#x2F;orchid-icons.svg#plus"></use>
        </div><!--end orc-c-btn__inner-->
    <!-- end orc-c-btn -->
    <button class="orc-c-btn ">
        <div class="orc-c-btn__inner">
            <svg class="orc-c-btn__icon ">
                <use xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="..&#x2F;..&#x2F;orchid-icons.svg#plus"></use>
        </div><!--end orc-c-btn__inner-->
    <!-- end orc-c-btn -->
    <button class="orc-c-btn orc-c-btn--purple">
        <div class="orc-c-btn__inner">
                <span class="orc-c-btn__text orc-js-btn-text">Button</span>
        </div><!--end orc-c-btn__inner-->
    <!-- end orc-c-btn -->
    <button class="orc-c-btn orc-c-btn--dark-gray">
        <div class="orc-c-btn__inner">
                <span class="orc-c-btn__text orc-js-btn-text">Button</span>
        </div><!--end orc-c-btn__inner-->
    <!-- end orc-c-btn -->
    <button class="orc-c-btn orc-c-btn--white">
        <div class="orc-c-btn__inner">
                <span class="orc-c-btn__text orc-js-btn-text">Button</span>
        </div><!--end orc-c-btn__inner-->
    <!-- end orc-c-btn -->
    <button class="orc-c-btn orc-c-btn--bare">
        <div class="orc-c-btn__inner">
                <span class="orc-c-btn__text orc-js-btn-text">Button</span>
        </div><!--end orc-c-btn__inner-->
    <!-- end orc-c-btn -->
    <button class="orc-c-btn orc-c-btn--text">
        <div class="orc-c-btn__inner">
                <span class="orc-c-btn__text orc-js-btn-text">Button</span>
        </div><!--end orc-c-btn__inner-->
    <!-- end orc-c-btn -->
    <button class="orc-c-btn orc-is-loading">
        <div class="orc-c-btn__inner">
                <span class="orc-c-btn__text orc-js-btn-text">Button</span>
            <img  class="orc-c-loader orc-is-loading" src="..&#x2F;..&#x2F;images&#x2F;loader-cherries.svg" alt= />
        </div><!--end orc-c-btn__inner-->
    <!-- end orc-c-btn -->


When to use

Use a button when there is one prioritized call to action.

When to consider an alternative

If the user has a choice to make, with each choice requiring an interactive next step, use a button group.

Class Name Description

Apply to the containing HTML element. Used with a <button> tag when adding some sort of action, unless it is simply linking somewhere else, then an <a> tag is used.


Add to the orc-c-btn element to decrease the button size and font size. This is the size smaller than the default button.


Add to the orc-c-btn element to horizontally center the button within its container.


Add to the orc-c-btn element to change the background of the button to purple.


Add to the orc-c-btn element to change the background of the button to dark gray.


Add to the orc-c-btn element to change the background to white and the button text to purple.


Add to the orc-c-btn element to remove any sort of background or border unless hovered over.


Add to the orc-c-btn element to remove the uppercase font and the padding.


Add to the orc-c-btn element along with the proper loading SVG to show a loading state. This should be applied using JavaScript.


Add within orc-c-btn__inner since some browsers do not accept display: flex on a <button> element. display: flex helps place the text and icon side-by-side.


Icon within a button. When orc-c-btn__icon is used but orc-c-btn__text is not, a title attribute must be applied to the button to let the user know what this button represents.


Add to first orc-c-btn__icon element to trigger the swapping of button icons. This along with and additional orc-c-btn__icon with a orc-js-btn-swap-icon class allows the JavaScript to swap between icons depending on the state of a button (i.e. A menu button’s open and closed state)


Add to an additional orc-c-btn__icon element to trigger the swapping of button icons. This along with orc-js-btn-icon allows the JavaScript to swap between icons depending on the state of a button.


Utility class aded to orc-c-btn__icon with orc-js-btn-swap-icon class to hide this from visibility until JavaScript toggles the icon to be visible.


Text of the button.


Add to orc-c-btn__text to allow JavaScript to toggle the button text depending on the state of the button (i.e. Menu toggle button)


The SVG image that needs to be added if a button is in an is-loading state.