1. Components
  2. Form controls

Booking widget

An interface for letting guests choose dates and book rooms.

Default booking widget orc-c-booking-widget

An interface for letting guests choose dates and book rooms

    <div class="orc-c-booking-widget orc-js-booking-widget ">
      <h3 class="orc-c-booking-widget__top-heading">Book Your Stay</h3>
      <form method="GET" action="#" class="orc-c-form orc-c-form--booking orc-js-form">
        <div class="orc-c-form__body">
          <div class="orc-c-field orc-c-field--inline orc-c-field--date-range orc-c-field--transparent orc-js-field" data-date-picker data-date-picker-large-screen-width="585">
            <!-- date picker -->
            <span class="orc-c-field start-date orc-js-start-date">
            <label for="start-date" class="orc-c-field__label orc-u-is-vishidden">Start Date</label>
            <input type="date" class="orc-c-input orc-js-start-date" name="fromDate" id="start-date" placeholder="Select dates of stay" min="2017-03-15" max="2019-01-01"  />
            <span class="orc-c-field end-date orc-js-vishidden">
            <label for="end-date" class="orc-c-field__label orc-u-is-vishidden">End Date</label>
            <input type="date" class="orc-c-input" name="toDate" id="end-date" placeholder="Select dates of stay" min="2017-03-16" max="2019-01-01"  />
            <svg class="orc-c-icon orc-c-field__icon ">
            <use xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="..&#x2F;..&#x2F;orchid-icons.svg#rooms-suites"></use>
            <!-- end date picker -->
          <!--end orc-c-field-->
          <div class="orc-c-field orc-c-field--small orc-c-field--counter orc-js-counter orc-u-margin-bottom">
            <label class="orc-c-field__label orc-u-is-vishidden" for="number-rooms">Rooms</label>
            <div class="orc-c-field__body" data-counter-text="Rooms">
              <button class="orc-c-btn orc-c-btn--small orc-c-btn--bare orc-c-field__btn-left orc-js-minus">
        <div class="orc-c-btn__inner">
            <svg class="orc-c-btn__icon ">
                <use xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="..&#x2F;..&#x2F;orchid-icons.svg#minus"></use>
        </div><!--end orc-c-btn__inner-->
              <!-- end orc-c-btn -->
              <input type="number" name="number-rooms" id="number-rooms" value="1" min="1" max="6" class="orc-c-input" readonly>
              <button class="orc-c-btn orc-c-btn--small orc-c-btn--bare orc-c-field__btn-right orc-js-plus">
        <div class="orc-c-btn__inner">
            <svg class="orc-c-btn__icon ">
                <use xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="..&#x2F;..&#x2F;orchid-icons.svg#plus"></use>
        </div><!--end orc-c-btn__inner-->
              <!-- end orc-c-btn -->
            <!--end orc-c-field__body-->
          <!--end orc-c-field-->
          <div class="orc-c-field orc-c-field--small orc-c-field--counter orc-js-counter">
            <label class="orc-c-field__label orc-u-is-vishidden" for="number-people">People</label>
            <div class="orc-c-field__body" data-counter-text="Adults">
              <button class="orc-c-btn orc-c-btn--small orc-c-btn--bare orc-c-field__btn-left orc-js-minus">
        <div class="orc-c-btn__inner">
            <svg class="orc-c-btn__icon ">
                <use xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="..&#x2F;..&#x2F;orchid-icons.svg#minus"></use>
        </div><!--end orc-c-btn__inner-->
              <!-- end orc-c-btn -->
              <input type="number" name="number-people" id="number-people" value="2" min="1" max="6" class="orc-c-input" readonly>
              <button class="orc-c-btn orc-c-btn--small orc-c-btn--bare orc-c-field__btn-right orc-js-plus">
        <div class="orc-c-btn__inner">
            <svg class="orc-c-btn__icon ">
                <use xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="..&#x2F;..&#x2F;orchid-icons.svg#plus"></use>
        </div><!--end orc-c-btn__inner-->
              <!-- end orc-c-btn -->
            <!--end orc-c-field__body-->
          <!--end orc-c-field-->
        <!--end orc-c-form__body-->
        <div class="orc-c-form__footer">
          <div class="orc-c-btn-group orc-c-btn-group--vertical">
            <button class="orc-c-btn orc-c-btn--white">
        <div class="orc-c-btn__inner">
                <span class="orc-c-btn__text orc-js-btn-text">Check Availability</span>
        </div><!--end orc-c-btn__inner-->
            <!-- end orc-c-btn -->
          <!--end orc-c-btn-group-->
        <!--end orc-c-form__footer-->
      <!--end orc-c-form-->
    <!--end orc-c-booking-widget-->


When to use

Use the booking widget to enable users to book overnight accommodations.

When to consider an alternative

This component is strictly for booking rooms. Other reservation types are handled through third-party sites like Ticketmaster, OpenTable, and SevenRooms.

Class Name Description

Apply to the booking widget’s containing HTML element. This class applies the background color, text color, and the general size of the booking widget.


Add to the orc-c-booking-widget element so that JavaScript can trigger this element. This is helpful for when the active state needs toggled on and off.


The title at the top of the booking widget


Applied to the <form> element within the booking widget. This form element will help allow the data in the fields to be submitted.


Applied to the <form> element within the booking widget. This allows elements within this form to be styled differently because it is strictly for booking.


Applied to the <form> element so that JavaScript can target this form.


Inner container of the orc-c-form.


Form field within the orc-c-form. Apply orc-c-field--inline and orc-c-field--transparent as modifiers to get the correct styles for the date picker container within the booking widget. Add the orc-js-field class as well as data-date-picker and data-date-picker-large-screen-width="585" to get the proper JS functionality with the date picker. For more in-depth details on the date picker, go to the date range component.


Form field within the orc-c-form that wraps a button, input, and another button to allow the user to increase or decrease the value within the counter. This needs orc-js-counter to be applied so that JavaScript can be applied to this element. For more information about this component, go to the counter component.


Button group containing the button to submit the booking form in the booking widget.