1. Components
  2. Navigation


A linked list indicating the hierarchy of pages within a section, providing a way for users to navigate back.

Default breadcrumbs orc-c-breadcrumbs

A linked list indicating the hierarchy of pages within a section, providing a way for users to navigate back.

    <ol class="orc-c-breadcrumbs " role="navigation">
      <li class="orc-c-breadcrumbs__item">
        <a href="#" class="orc-c-breadcrumbs__link">Parent</a>
        <svg class="orc-c-breadcrumbs__icon">
                <use xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="..&#x2F;..&#x2F;orchid-icons.svg#arrow-right"></use>
      <!-- end orc-c-breadcrumbs__item -->
      <li class="orc-c-breadcrumbs__item">
        <a href="#" class="orc-c-breadcrumbs__link">Child</a>
        <svg class="orc-c-breadcrumbs__icon">
                <use xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="..&#x2F;..&#x2F;orchid-icons.svg#arrow-right"></use>
      <!-- end orc-c-breadcrumbs__item -->
      <li class="orc-c-breadcrumbs__item">
        <a href="#" class="orc-c-breadcrumbs__link">Grandchild</a>
      <!-- end orc-c-breadcrumbs__item -->
    <!-- end orc-c-breadcrumbs -->


When to use

Use breadrumbs on administrative-focused pages deep into a user journey to help users navigate back, if you feel it’s necessary.

When to consider an alternative

Consider not including breadcrumbs. We don’t use them very liberally, instead allowing heroes and other imagery above the fold to bleed right into the header.

Class Name Description

Apply to breadcrumbs’ containing ol container to show that order of the list items is significant. This is set to display: flex to place breadcrumbs items side-by-side.


Apply to breadcrumbs li tags within the ordered list. This will help layout the breadcrumbs link and icon between list items.


Apply to the a tag within each breadcrumb item to help link elsewhere.


Apply to the svg tag to represent the icon between breadcrumbs items.