Footer nav
The site’s lowest-priority navigation, placed at the foot of each page.
Default footer nav orc-c-footer-nav
The site’s lowest-priority navigation, placed at the foot of each page.
<nav class="orc-c-footer-nav" role="navigation"> <ul class="orc-c-footer-nav__list"> <li class="orc-c-footer-nav__item"> <a href="/patterns/04-pages-15-gift-cards/04-pages-15-gift-cards.rendered.html" class="orc-c-footer-nav__link">Gift Cards</a> </li> <!--end orc-c-footer-nav__item--> <li class="orc-c-footer-nav__item"> <a href="#" class="orc-c-footer-nav__link">Careers</a> </li> <!--end orc-c-footer-nav__item--> <li class="orc-c-footer-nav__item"> <a href="#" class="orc-c-footer-nav__link">Responsible Gaming</a> </li> <!--end orc-c-footer-nav__item--> <li class="orc-c-footer-nav__item"> <a href="#" class="orc-c-footer-nav__link">Terms & Conditions</a> </li> <!--end orc-c-footer-nav__item--> <li class="orc-c-footer-nav__item"> <a href="link.pages-faq" class="orc-c-footer-nav__link">Privacy Policy</a> </li> <!--end orc-c-footer-nav__item--> </ul> <!--end orc-c-footer-nav__list--> </nav> <!--end orc-c-footer-nav-->
When to use
The footer nav is the very last row of links before users hit page bottom. This is where we surface terms and conditions, the privacy policy, career opportunities, and other low-priority items we must host somewhere.
When to consider an alternative
The footer nav coexists with the footer, which contains slightly more high-priority functional infomation. The footer is stacked overtop the footer nav.
Class Name | Description |
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