1. Components
  2. Blocks and cards

Media block In Progress

An effiicient use of image, headline, and descriptive text to promote and link to content.

Default media block orc-c-media-block

An effiicient use of image, headline, and descriptive text to promote and link to content.

Dark media block orc-c-media-block--dark

Places the content overtap a dark background.

Lined media block orc-c-media-block--lined

Adds a line beneath the media block for visual separation from other content.

    <div class="orc-c-media-block ">
      <div class="orc-c-media-block__media">
        <img class="orc-c-media-block__img orc-js-lazyload" data-src="..&#x2F;..&#x2F;images&#x2F;fpo-1024x576.png" alt="" />
      <!-- end orc-c-media-block__media -->
      <div class="orc-c-media-block__body">
        <h2 class="orc-c-media-block__heading">
          Heading ipsum dolor sit (39 characters)
        <p class="orc-c-media-block__desc">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam</p>
      <!-- end orc-c-media-block__body -->
    <!-- end orc-c-media-block -->
    <div class="orc-c-media-block orc-c-media-block--dark">
      <div class="orc-c-media-block__media">
        <img class="orc-c-media-block__img orc-js-lazyload" data-src="..&#x2F;..&#x2F;images&#x2F;fpo-1024x576.png" alt="" />
      <!-- end orc-c-media-block__media -->
      <div class="orc-c-media-block__body">
        <h2 class="orc-c-media-block__heading">
          Heading ipsum dolor sit (39 characters)
        <p class="orc-c-media-block__desc">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam</p>
      <!-- end orc-c-media-block__body -->
    <!-- end orc-c-media-block -->
    <div class="orc-c-media-block orc-c-media-block--lined">
      <div class="orc-c-media-block__media">
        <img class="orc-c-media-block__img orc-js-lazyload" data-src="..&#x2F;..&#x2F;images&#x2F;fpo-1024x576.png" alt="" />
      <!-- end orc-c-media-block__media -->
      <div class="orc-c-media-block__body">
        <h2 class="orc-c-media-block__heading">
          Heading ipsum dolor sit (39 characters)
        <p class="orc-c-media-block__desc">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam</p>
      <!-- end orc-c-media-block__body -->
    <!-- end orc-c-media-block -->


When to use

Media blocks succinctly promote a feature or content. Use them to gently usher a user elsewhere.

When to consider an alternative

If you’re promoting an event, a date block is the better choice. If you have many pieces of content to promote, use a media block list instead.

Class Name Description

Apply to the media block’s containing HTML element. This is set to display: flex so that the image sits next to the body of text.


Add to orc-c-media-block to apply a dark background and lighter text to the media block. This is best used within the orc-l-main--black theme.


Add to orc-c-media-block to apply a bottom border to the media block. This is best used within a list of media blocks.


The container within orc-c-media-block that houses the media (i.e. image) of the component.


The image within orc-c-media-block__media


The container within orc-c-media-block that houses the textual elements of the component.


Added above the orc-c-media-block__heading in the body to add more context as to what the media block represents


The main title of the media block. This should usually be applied to an <h2> tag within the orc-c-media-block__body.


Optional link that can be placed around the text within orc-c-media-block__heading in order to get this heading to link to another page


Optional short subtitle below the heading that adds additional context on the information being displayed.


Description of the media block that goes more into detail about the topic of the component