1. Components
  2. Messaging


A 1- or 2-sentence message of warning, error, success, or information for the user.

Default alert orc-c-alert

A 1- or 2-sentence message of warning, error, success, or information for the user.

Error alert orc-c-alert--error

Applies a reddish background and error icon.

Warning alert orc-c-alert--warning

Applies a yellow background and warning icon.

Success alert orc-c-alert--success

Applies a green background and checkmark icon.

    <div class="orc-c-alert orc-js-alert ">
      <div class="orc-c-alert__inner orc-l-container">
        <svg class="orc-c-alert__icon">
                <use xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="..&#x2F;..&#x2F;orchid-icons.svg#caution"></use>
        <div class="orc-c-alert__text orc-c-text-passage">This is alert text used to communicate a message to a user. It can be an info, warning, error, or success message.</div>
        <div class="orc-c-alert__actions">
          <button class="orc-c-btn orc-c-btn--small orc-c-btn--text orc-js-alert-close-trigger">
        <div class="orc-c-btn__inner">
                <span class="orc-c-btn__text orc-js-btn-text">Close</span>
        </div><!--end orc-c-btn__inner-->
          <!-- end orc-c-btn -->
      <!--end orc-c-alert__inner-->
    <!--end orc-c-alert-->
    <div class="orc-c-alert orc-js-alert orc-c-alert--error">
      <div class="orc-c-alert__inner orc-l-container">
        <svg class="orc-c-alert__icon">
                <use xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="..&#x2F;..&#x2F;orchid-icons.svg#caution"></use>
        <div class="orc-c-alert__text orc-c-text-passage">This is alert text used to communicate a message to a user. It can be an info, warning, error, or success message.</div>
        <div class="orc-c-alert__actions">
          <button class="orc-c-btn orc-c-btn--small orc-c-btn--text orc-js-alert-close-trigger">
        <div class="orc-c-btn__inner">
                <span class="orc-c-btn__text orc-js-btn-text">Close</span>
        </div><!--end orc-c-btn__inner-->
          <!-- end orc-c-btn -->
      <!--end orc-c-alert__inner-->
    <!--end orc-c-alert-->
    <div class="orc-c-alert orc-js-alert orc-c-alert--warning">
      <div class="orc-c-alert__inner orc-l-container">
        <svg class="orc-c-alert__icon">
                <use xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="..&#x2F;..&#x2F;orchid-icons.svg#caution"></use>
        <div class="orc-c-alert__text orc-c-text-passage">This is alert text used to communicate a message to a user. It can be an info, warning, error, or success message.</div>
        <div class="orc-c-alert__actions">
          <button class="orc-c-btn orc-c-btn--small orc-c-btn--text orc-js-alert-close-trigger">
        <div class="orc-c-btn__inner">
                <span class="orc-c-btn__text orc-js-btn-text">Close</span>
        </div><!--end orc-c-btn__inner-->
          <!-- end orc-c-btn -->
      <!--end orc-c-alert__inner-->
    <!--end orc-c-alert-->
    <div class="orc-c-alert orc-js-alert orc-c-alert--success">
      <div class="orc-c-alert__inner orc-l-container">
        <svg class="orc-c-alert__icon">
                <use xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="..&#x2F;..&#x2F;orchid-icons.svg#circle-check"></use>
        <div class="orc-c-alert__text orc-c-text-passage">This is alert text used to communicate a message to a user. It can be an info, warning, error, or success message.</div>
        <div class="orc-c-alert__actions">
          <button class="orc-c-btn orc-c-btn--small orc-c-btn--text orc-js-alert-close-trigger">
        <div class="orc-c-btn__inner">
                <span class="orc-c-btn__text orc-js-btn-text">Close</span>
        </div><!--end orc-c-btn__inner-->
          <!-- end orc-c-btn -->
      <!--end orc-c-alert__inner-->
    <!--end orc-c-alert-->


When to use

Use in any case when there is critical information for the user, such as the confirmation of an updated profile or issues with their account that need to be addressed.

When to consider an alternative

Many error messages can be addressed within the component that the user is interacting with, such as a select field or text field. If those errors can be addressed there, it’s preferable to using an alert that may get the user overly concerned.

Class Name Description

Apply to the alert’s containing HTML element. This provides the general layout of the alert component and uses modifiers to change styles like the background and text color.


Apply in addition to the orc-c-alert class to change the styling of the alert to represent an error to the user.


Apply in addition to the orc-c-alert class to change the styling of the alert to represent a warning to the user.


Apply in addition to the orc-c-alert class to change the styling of the alert to represent success to the user.


Apply in addition to the orc-c-alert class to add JS functionality to the alert that removes it when the close button is selected for example.


Apply to the inner div of the orc-c-alert container. This is set to display: flex to place content within the alert side-by-side.


Apply in addition to orc-c-alert__inner to cap the width of the content inside to align with the rest of the content on the page.


Apply to the svg within the alert to help the user distinguish the type of error.


Apply to the div that contains the actual message of the alert.


Apply in addition to the orc-c-alert__text to style this text like a text passage.


Container that is used to help layout the alert close button.


Apply to the button tag within the orc-c-alert__actions container to represent the close button. See button for more information about classes used in this component.


Apply to the orc-c-btn class within the alert to allow JS to close the alert when this button is selected.