1. Components
  2. Lists and collections

Media block list

A vertically stacked collection of media blocks (image, headline, and descriptive text).

Media block list orc-c-media-block-list

A vertically stacked collection of media blocks (image, headline, and descriptive text).

    <ul class="orc-c-media-block-list orc-l-grid ">
      <li class="orc-c-media-block-list__item orc-l-grid__item">
        <div class="orc-c-media-block ">
          <div class="orc-c-media-block__media">
            <img class="orc-c-media-block__img orc-js-lazyload" data-src="..&#x2F;..&#x2F;images&#x2F;fpo-1024x576.png" alt="" />
          <!-- end orc-c-media-block__media -->
          <div class="orc-c-media-block__body">
            <h2 class="orc-c-media-block__heading">
              Heading ipsum dolor sit (39 characters)
            <p class="orc-c-media-block__desc">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam</p>
          <!-- end orc-c-media-block__body -->
        <!-- end orc-c-media-block -->
      <!-- end orc-c-media-block-list__item-->
      <li class="orc-c-media-block-list__item orc-l-grid__item">
        <div class="orc-c-media-block ">
          <div class="orc-c-media-block__media">
            <img class="orc-c-media-block__img orc-js-lazyload" data-src="..&#x2F;..&#x2F;images&#x2F;fpo-1024x576.png" alt="" />
          <!-- end orc-c-media-block__media -->
          <div class="orc-c-media-block__body">
            <h2 class="orc-c-media-block__heading">
              Heading ipsum dolor sit (39 characters)
            <p class="orc-c-media-block__desc">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam</p>
          <!-- end orc-c-media-block__body -->
        <!-- end orc-c-media-block -->
      <!-- end orc-c-media-block-list__item-->
    <!--end orc-c-media-block-list-->


When to use

It’s most often the case that you’ll use a media block list, instead of a single media block, to group related content.

When to consider an alternative

For calendar events, a date block list provides the same information and utility, but without an image.

Class Name Description

Apply to the hero block’s containing HTML element. This class sets up the background-image handling and text color for the unit. The orc-c-hero element should have just one immediate child, the orc-c-hero__body element. Note, too, that the unit’s hero image should be applied as a background image to this orc-c-hero element.


Apply in addition to the orc-c-media-block-list for the ability to layout the media block list items in a grid format. Add orc-l-grid--3up in addition to this class to layout the items 3 across for example.


Apply to each li tag within the orc-c-media-block-list. This allows


Apply in addition to the orc-c-media-block-list__item to allow the items to be formatted when used in a grid.


Actual media block that is placed within each orc-c-media-block-list__item. See media-block for more information about classes used in this component.