1. Layout

Linelength container Complete

Keeps areas of text constrained for easy reading

Line-length container orc-l-linelength-container
    <div class="orc-l-linelength-container">
      <!-- 'fpo' stands for 'for placement only'. Replace the 'fpo-block' div element with your own markup-->
      <div class="fpo-block">Line-length container</div>
    <!-- end orc-l-linelength-container -->


When to use

Usage description.

When to consider an alternative

Alternative usage.

Class Name Description

Apply to the hero block’s containing HTML element. This class sets up the background-image handling and text color for the unit. The c-hero element should have just one immediate child, the c-hero__body element. Note, too, that the unit’s hero image should be applied as a background image to this c-hero element.