1. Components
  2. Form controls

Profile form

Combines several other components into a state for users inputting and managing their profile data.

Default profile form orc-c-form orc-c-form--profile

Combines several other components into a state for users inputting and managing their profile data.

    <form method="GET" action="#" class="orc-c-form orc-c-form--profile  orc-js-form">
      <input type="hidden" name="_token" value="">
      <div class="orc-c-form__body">
        <div class="orc-c-text-block orc-c-text-block--bare orc-c-text-block--small orc-u-margin-bottom">
          <h3 class="orc-c-text-block__title">
            Jane Smith
          <div class="orc-c-text-block__desc">
            To update your name, please bring your ID to the Identity Membership & Rewards desk at The Cosmopolitan.
        <!--end orc-c-text-block-->
        <div class="orc-c-field  orc-js-field">
          <h4 for="" class="orc-c-field__label">Salutation</h4>
          <div class="orc-c-field__body">
            <ul class="orc-c-option-list">
              <li class="orc-c-option-list__item orc-js-radio-trigger-parent">
                <label class="orc-c-input-group" for="profile-mr">
                        <input id="profile-mr" type="radio" name="profile-salutation" value="" class="orc-c-input-group__control orc-js-radio-trigger"   >
                        <span class="orc-c-input-group__text">Mr.</span>
              <!-- end orc-c-radio-list__item -->
              <li class="orc-c-option-list__item orc-js-radio-trigger-parent">
                <label class="orc-c-input-group" for="profile-mrs">
                        <input id="profile-mrs" type="radio" name="profile-salutation" value="" class="orc-c-input-group__control orc-js-radio-trigger"   >
                        <span class="orc-c-input-group__text">Mrs.</span>
              <!-- end orc-c-radio-list__item -->
              <li class="orc-c-option-list__item orc-js-radio-trigger-parent">
                <label class="orc-c-input-group" for="profile-ms">
                        <input id="profile-ms" type="radio" name="profile-salutation" value="" class="orc-c-input-group__control orc-js-radio-trigger" checked  >
                        <span class="orc-c-input-group__text">Ms.</span>
              <!-- end orc-c-radio-list__item -->
              <li class="orc-c-option-list__item orc-js-radio-trigger-parent">
                <label class="orc-c-input-group" for="profile-mx">
                        <input id="profile-mx" type="radio" name="profile-salutation" value="" class="orc-c-input-group__control orc-js-radio-trigger"   >
                        <span class="orc-c-input-group__text">Mx.</span>
              <!-- end orc-c-radio-list__item -->
            <!-- end orc-c-option-list -->
          <!-- end orc-c-field__body -->
        <!-- end orc-c-field -->
        <div class="orc-c-field  orc-js-field">
          <label for="profile-country" class="orc-c-field__label">Country</label>
          <div class="orc-c-field__body">
            <input type="" id="profile-country" class="orc-c-input orc-js-typeahead-country" name="country-name" title="Please enter a valid country" placeholder="Country" value="United States" required="required" />
          <!-- end orc-c-field__body -->
        <!-- end orc-c-field -->
        <div class="orc-c-field  orc-js-field">
          <label for="profile-address-1" class="orc-c-field__label ">Address</label>
          <div class="orc-c-field__body">
            <input type="" id="profile-address-1" class="orc-c-input " name="street-address" placeholder="Address" value="665 3rd St., Suite 207" title="Please enter a valid address." required="required" autocomplete="street-address" />
          <!-- end orc-c-field__body -->
        <!-- end orc-c-field -->
        <div class="orc-c-field  orc-js-field">
          <label for="profile-city" class="orc-c-field__label ">City</label>
          <div class="orc-c-field__body">
            <input type="" id="profile-city" class="orc-c-input " name="address-level2" placeholder="City" value="San Francisco" title="Please enter a valid city." required="required" autocomplete="address-level2" />
          <!-- end orc-c-field__body -->
        <!-- end orc-c-field -->
        <div class="orc-c-field  orc-js-field">
          <label for="profile-state" class="orc-c-field__label">State&#x2F;Region</label>
          <div class="orc-c-field__body">
            <input type="" id="profile-state" class="orc-c-input orc-js-typeahead-state" name="address-level1" title="Please enter a valid state or region." placeholder="State" value="CA" required="required" />
          <!-- end orc-c-field__body -->
        <!-- end orc-c-field -->
        <div class="orc-c-field  orc-js-field">
          <label for="profile-zip" class="orc-c-field__label ">Zip&#x2F;postal Code</label>
          <div class="orc-c-field__body">
            <input type="" id="profile-zip" class="orc-c-input " name="postal-code" placeholder="Zip Code" value="94107" title="Please enter a valid zip&#x2F;postal code." required="required" autocomplete="postal-code" />
          <!-- end orc-c-field__body -->
        <!-- end orc-c-field -->
        <div class="orc-c-field  orc-js-field">
          <label for="profile-email" class="orc-c-field__label ">Email</label>
          <div class="orc-c-field__body">
            <input type="email" id="profile-email" class="orc-c-input " name="email" placeholder="email@email.com" value="emailaddress@email.com" title="Please enter a valid email." required="required" autocomplete="email" />
          <!-- end orc-c-field__body -->
        <!-- end orc-c-field -->
        <div class="orc-c-field  orc-js-field">
          <label for="profile-phone-1" class="orc-c-field__label ">Preferred phone number</label>
          <div class="orc-c-field__body">
            <input type="tel" id="profile-phone-1" class="orc-c-input " name="tel1" placeholder="xxx-xxx-xxxx" value="555-555-555" title="Please enter a valid phone number." required="required" autocomplete="tel" />
          <!-- end orc-c-field__body -->
        <!-- end orc-c-field -->
        <div class="orc-c-field  orc-js-field">
          <label for="profile-phone-2" class="orc-c-field__label ">Secondary phone number (optional)</label>
          <div class="orc-c-field__body">
            <input type="tel" id="profile-phone-2" class="orc-c-input " name="tel2" placeholder="xxx-xxx-xxxx" value="555-555-5555" title="The Cosmopolitan Las Vegas" autocomplete="tel" />
          <!-- end orc-c-field__body -->
        <!-- end orc-c-field -->
        <div class="orc-c-field orc-c-field--toggle  orc-js-field">
          <h4 class="orc-c-field__label">Receive Text Messages</h4>
          <div class="orc-c-field__body">
            <div class="orc-c-toggle orc-js-toggle">
              <input class="orc-c-toggle__input orc-js-toggle-input orc-u-is-vishidden" type="radio" id="profile-yes" name="profile-text-messages" title="Please choose yes or no." value="" checked />
              <label class="orc-c-toggle__label orc-js-toggle-label" for="profile-yes">
              <input class="orc-c-toggle__input orc-js-toggle-input orc-u-is-vishidden" type="radio" id="profile-no" name="profile-text-messages" title="Please choose yes or no." value="" />
              <label class="orc-c-toggle__label orc-js-toggle-label" for="profile-no">
            <!-- end orc-c-toggle -->
          <!-- end orc-c-field__body -->
          <div class="orc-c-field__note orc-js-field-note">(Message and data rates may apply)</div>
        <!-- end orc-c-field -->
        <!--contact text message-->
      <!--end orc-c-form__body-->
      <div class="orc-c-form__footer">
        <div class="orc-c-btn-group ">
          <button class="orc-c-btn ">
        <div class="orc-c-btn__inner">
                <span class="orc-c-btn__text orc-js-btn-text">Button</span>
        </div><!--end orc-c-btn__inner-->
          <!-- end orc-c-btn -->
          <button class="orc-c-btn orc-c-btn--bare">
        <div class="orc-c-btn__inner">
                <span class="orc-c-btn__text orc-js-btn-text">Button</span>
        </div><!--end orc-c-btn__inner-->
          <!-- end orc-c-btn -->
        <!--end orc-c-btn-group-->
      <!--end orc-c-form__footer-->
    <!--end orc-c-form-->


When to use

The profile form is specific for managing profile page data. Anywhere you’re creating a profile page, use this component to let users manage it.

When to consider an alternative

This is specifically for managing a user profile. For most other use cases, use a contact form or provide a single text field.

Class Name Description

Applied to the outer <form> element. This form element will help allow the data in the fields to be submitted. An input with a type of hidden and a name of _token needs to be added within this form as the first element for submission reasons.


Applied to the outer <form> element in addition to orc-c-form to add the proper styling to this profile form.


Applied to the <form> element so that JavaScript can target this form.


Inner container of the orc-c-form.


Form field within the orc-c-form. Consists of a field label, field body, and input in most cases. In the profile form, there are text input fields, date fields, checkbox fields, radio fields and toggle fields.


Class added to orc-c-field to have JavaScript target this element, mainly for form field validation


Form field label used to describe the input within the field


Form field container that houses the input and other form field content.


Form field input. Inputs can be of various types. The contact form has types of “text”.


A field consisting of a radio buttons that are styled as selectable blocks so a user can choose one of these block choices. For more in-depth details on the toggle, go to the toggle component.


The bottom portion of the form that houses items like the button group


Button group containing the buttons to submit the contact form or any other actions needed within the form.